
Abington undergraduate research

易胜博娱乐分校的学生在一年一度的本科生研究展览上竞争荣誉, known as ACURA.

Credit: Onyx Clemons

Penn State Abington 在4月12日的年度会议上,学生研究人员发表了他们久经训练的电梯演讲 ACURA (阿宾顿学院本科生研究活动)展览. About 60 students presented 31 projects, 回答教师评委关于过程和结果的问题, according to Ann Schmiedekamp, the professor of physics who coordinates ACURA. 

学生通过ACURA开发和完善的工具可以改变他们的职业和个人生活. 他们经历了研究生阶段的学术严谨,并致力于长期项目, according to Elizabeth Hughes他是社会学助理教授,也是一个获奖项目的教师导师. 

在课堂之外,定性面试技巧可以帮助你更有效地沟通. 你要听关键词和观点,然后跟进了解人们的真实情况. 这是非常深入的倾听,这是一项重要的技能,”她说. 

"Students also learn how to convey data to a broad audience, to code, and to think critically and analytically,” she continued.  

毕业并不是阿宾顿学生ACURA经历的结束. 一些人扩展了与教师导师的研究关系, 继续他们的研究,最终将研究结果发表在学术期刊上. 

The 2023 ACURA projects are available to explore online including these award winners:

Division of Arts and Humanities 

First place: Attitudes Toward COVID-19 Among U.S. 亚洲医学从业者Priya Mathiy, Alyssa Dass, Sareena Gurung和Joshua M. Kuntz. Faculty mentor: Pierce Salguero, professor, Asian history and health humanities

第二名:Al-Abyad Hussein和Samuel Carper所著的《易胜博娱乐》. Faculty mentor: Sharon Holt, associate teaching professor, history

Division of Science and Engineering 

第一名:SE6抗坏血酸对胃肠道间质肿瘤细胞的抗增殖作用,作者:Andrew Harnishfeger和Michael Krawitz. Faculty mentor: Thomas McGuire, teaching professor, biology  

第二名:Akinade Peter-Koyl和Ryland Wulff在发动机测试中使用消费级电子设备测量火箭振动. Faculty mentor: Masataka Okutsu, assistant professor, engineering 

Honorable Mention 

  • MoSe2在高剂量伽玛射线辐照下的非凡稳定性,用于核和空间应用, Teresa Aditya, and Zhuhang Yu. Faculty mentor: Burcu Ozden, assistant professor, engineering 

  • 使用增强现实设计和分析仓库. Estadt, Hoang Nguyen, Sethu Senthil, Parth Shah, Kevin Skinner. Faculty mentor: Sabahattin Ozden, assistant professor, information technology 

  • Chemistry of Wine by Saranya Ananth, Margarita Badalyan, Alysse Tucker, Aidan Gonzalez, and Nour Alatki. Faculty mentor: Kevin Cannon, professor, chemistry 

Division of Social Sciences 

第一名:莱西·威廉姆斯的《易胜博娱乐》. Faculty mentor: Diane Rosenbaum, assistant professor, psychology 

Second place (tie)  

Jaden Jones分析大学年龄人群中电子游戏行为的社会影响. Faculty mentor: Glenn Sterner, assistant professor, criminal justice 

黑人男性的浪漫伴侣偏好:探索种族和肤色的关系但丁·托马斯著. Faculty mentor: Elizabeth Hughes, assistant professor, sociology 

 Honorable Mention  

Students who utilize the tools available in the MakerSpace on campus exhibited their work at the ACURA event, demonstrating uses of technology and creative ideas. 

除了阿宾顿荣誉,还有三个研究项目 University Libraries Undergraduate Research Awards for excellence in information literacy skills such as in a bibliography that captures the scholarly conversation in a field of study; in a literature review that contextualizes the student’s work within their discipline; or in the use of manuscript, archival, or other primary sources to conduct original research. 

  • 第一名:莱西·威廉姆斯的《易胜博娱乐》. Faculty mentor: Diane Rosenbaum, assistant professor, psychology 

  • 第二名:凯拉·埃尔南德斯的《易胜博》. Faculty mentor: Glenn Sterner, assistant professor, criminal justice 

  • 第三名:但丁·托马斯的《易胜博》. Mentor: Elizabeth Hughes, assistant professor, sociology


易胜博娱乐分校的学生可以在至少两个学期的时间里与教师导师一起完成经批准的研究项目,从而获得学分. ACURA的使命是通过参与科学实验,培养学生成为批判性思考者和创造性学者, inquiry-based research, and creative works. 

About Penn State Abington 

Penn State Abington provides an affordable, 无障碍和高影响力的教育导致多元化学生群体的成功. 它致力于通过创新的方法在世界一流的研究型大学内实现21世纪公立高等教育的学生成功. With more than 3,100 students, 易胜博娱乐分校是一所住宿校园,提供25个专业的学士学位, undergraduate research, the Schreyer Honors College, NCAA Division III athletics and more. 
